Smartphone e-commerce is skyrocketing

Smartphone e-commerce is skyrocketing

Nowadays, using mobile devices for shopping is a given. However, just going back a few years, it’s astonishing how fast this development has taken place. In the space of five years, from 2014 to 2019, the percentage of European consumers who used a phone or tablet to shop online has almost tripled. On average, almost two of three Europeans have shopped using a mobile device during the past year.

diagram, Percentage who shopped online with a mobile device
Click for larger image

A mobile-friendly and responsive website has thus become a fundamental hygiene factor for online stores, and consumer demands are constantly increasing. Today, consumers also expect that websites load quickly, are easy to search, and that they can make relevant personal recommendations. Consumers also want to be able to pay without having to fill in a bunch of personal information or register an account.

Since consumers so easily can go to a different online store that sells the same product, any minor friction in the purchase journey may well mean a customer lost. This is why it is imperative for e-tailers to keep abreast of the constant development in technology trends.

Olof Källgren, Market Information Manager, Direct Link

Image above taken from the latest ”E-commerce in Europe” report.